University of Hyderabad Centre for Distance education and Virtual Learning CDVL Admissions 2024

University of Hyderabad Centre for Distance Virtual Learning (CDVL) is offering One-year Diploma Programmes, Job orient, and skill development programmes. These programmes are offered through online mode, i.e. correspondence cum contact programmes

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Graduates (i.e., B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. / B.Lib.Sc. / B.E. / B.Tech. / M.A. / M.Sc. / M.Com. / MBA etc.)  Or awaiting results are eligible to apply for admission into these Diploma Programmes.

The marks obtained by the applicants in their graduate examination is the basis of selection for all courses.

Most of the students are working employees from various state and central government offices. In this article we examine in detail about

University of Hyderabad Centre for Distance education and Virtual Learning CDVL Admissions 2024

Collaborative Programmes:

  • Diploma in Panchayat Raj Governance & Rural Development jointly with NIRD, Hyderabad
  • Diploma in Infection Prevention and Control jointly with IFCAI, Hyderabad
  • Diploma in Community Eye Health Care jointly with LV Prasad Institution, Hyderabad
  • Diplomas in Technology Management in Agriculture and Educational Technology Management NAARM, ICAR, Hyderabad
  • Diploma in Telecom Technology Management Jointly BSNL-NATFM, Hyderabad
  • Diploma in Hospital Management and Health Care Management jointly with Apollo MedSkills, Hyderabad
  • Diploma in Business Management and Project Management jointly with Timespro


1.Diploma in Panchayati Raj Governance & Rural Development (DPRG & RD):


Course fee : Rs. 10,000/-

Course Details: 

(i)           Democratic Decentralization and Local Governance
(ii)         Panchayat Management
(iii)        Social Empowerment and inclusive Development
(iv)        Approaches to sustainable Rural Development
(v)         Leadership Development Training and e-Enablement
(vi)        Governance in schedule Areas
(vii)      Project Work





  Course  fee: Rs.15,000/-
Term -I
(i)Introduction to information Technology (Block I, II, III, IV)
(ii) Information Systems
(iii)Bibliographic Database Management Systems
Term – II
(i)Library Automation
(ii)Library Networks (Block I to IV)
(iii) Dissertation / Project Work


3.Diploma in Educational Technology Management (DETM):

Course  fee: Rs.25,000/-

The aim of the course is to develop capable and competent teachers/ potential teachers of universities and other academic institutions.


(i)                  Educational Technolgy-1,
(ii)                (ii) Instructional Design and Course Development
(iii)               (iii) Psychology of Learning
(iv)               (iv) Dimensions of Teaching
(v)                (v) Project work (2 Credits)
(i)                  Educational Technology – II
(ii)                Evaluation and Testing
(iii)               Management of Education
(iv)               Project work (4 Credits)


4.Diploma in Communicative English (DCE):

  Course  fee: Rs. 9,000/-

The programme is offered by the Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies with input from Department of English, University of Hyderabad and English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad

(i)Language & Communication (Oral Communication)
(ii) Effective Speech
(iii) Written Communication
(i)Using Resources for Learning English
(ii)Advanced Reading Skills
(iii)Advanced Writing Skills (Project Report)



5.Diploma in Technology Management in Agriculture (DTMA):

Couse fee : Rs. 25,000/-
Course details
(i)Intellectual Property Regime (4 credits)
(ii) IP Informatics (4 credits)
(iii)Technology Management (4 credits),
(i)IP Prosecution and Litigation (4 credits)
(ii)Rural innovation (4 credits)
(iii)TMA423: Technology Entrepreneurship (4 credits)
 (iv) Project Work – Semester I and II (4+4 Credits)



6.Diploma in Infection Prevention and Control (DIPC):

Course fee: Rs. 50,000/-

 This course is primarily aimed at developing capacity among learners for best practices in Health Care Associated Infection Prevention and Control. Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) can easily qualify as the most important patient safety concerns in hospitals

Term I: 6 Months
(i)                  Basic & Applied Sciences – Anatomy, Physiology & Microbiology
(ii)                Introduction to Health Care Associated Infections
(iii)               Epidemiology of Health Care Associated Infections
(iv)               Organization of Infection Control Committee in Health Care Settings
Term II:6 Months
(i)                  HAI Types and Bundle Care Approach including Policy Prescriptions
(ii)                Universal Safety and Best Practices for HAI
(iii)               Sterilization, Disinfection and Biomedical Waste Management
(iv)               Project Work on HAI



7.Diploma in Health Care Management (DHCM):

Course fee : Rs. 60,000/-
Diploma in Healthcare Management (DHCM) is a one year program jointly offered by the two leading institutions in educational field and healthcare filed namely Hyderabad Central University and Apollo Med Skills Limited, a skilling affiliate of Apollo Group of Institutions in a distance education mode.
Term I
(i)Healthcare Organizations
(ii)Healthcare Insurance Management
(iii)Medical Tourism
Term II
(i)Clinical Research
(ii)Health Insurance Management
(iii)Emerging Trends
(iv)Project Work




The objective of the program is facilitation of good eye health to the population as a whole through using an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach.


Term 1: 6 Months
Introduction & Essentials of Community Eye Health.
Epidemiology of common eye conditions in adults & children.
Research methods in CEH.
Planning, monitoring and management of eye care programs.
Term 2: 6 months
Health Economics and Sustainability in eye health.
Resource mobilization, advocacy and social marketing in eye health.
Universal Eye Health and Comprehensive eye care models.
 Mandatory Project in Community Eye Health.


9.Diploma in Telecom Technology & Management (DTTM)

Course  fee: Rs. 40,000/-


1. Technology module-Courses (Compulsory)
               (i) Telecom Switching Systems and Networks
               (ii) Optical Fibre Communication
               (iii) Telecom Networking
               (iv)Mobile Technology
2. Management Module- Finance Area
3. Management Module-Management Area Courses (2 Compulsory out of 4)


10.Diploma in Hospital Management (DHM):

Course fees: 60,000/-

(i)Administrative Management
(ii)Clinical Management
(iii)Health Economics
(iv)Quality in Hospitals
(v)Technology Management
(vi)Financial Management
(vii)Project Work



Course  fee: Rs. 20,000/-


This course is designed to address the needs of the Legal Community as also of Scientists, Technologists, Software Personnel explaining to them the Technical and Legal issues of Cyber Laws and Intellectual Property Rights

The course would be an important additional qualification for legal personnel specializing in Cyber Laws and IPR Laws. Also, software personnel would find opportunities for employment as Patent Agents and with Patent-cells of the software organizations. Some of our participants found employment with reputed firms of Solicitors and some others are pursuing L.L.M. in different Universities in U.K.


12.Diploma in Criminal Justice & Forensic Science (DCJ&FS):

Course fee: Rs. 18,000/-

This will be a one year Diploma course consisting of six courses; three courses each in two semesters. Each course carries hundred marks for end of course evaluation, totalling to 600 marks.

Course Structure:

Term-I – to criminal justice component
1. Criminal Justice, Society, Culture and Crime
    Part I: Sociological Aspects of Criminal Justice
    Part II: Human Psychology and Criminal Behaviour
    Part III: Crime and Deviance, Emerging contours of Crime and Violence
2. Criminal Law and other related subjects.
    Part I: Criminal Jurisprudence
    Part II: Criminal Law-Constitutional Provisions, Major Acts and Special Laws
    Part III: Specific Offences-Emerging Trends-Legal Regime
3. Criminal Justice Institutions and Processes
    Part I: Police Administration and Prosecution Management
    Part II: Judicial Administration
    Part III: Prisons and Correctional Administration
Term II – Forensic Science
   Introduction to Forensic Science & Forensic Physical Science & Forensic Physical Science.
   Forensic Chemical, Biological and general Science.
   Forensic Medicine





Course   fee: Rs. 19000/-
Term – I
i)Principles of Management and Organizational Behaviour
ii)Marketing Management
 iii)Accounting & Financial Management
                             Part I: Accounting for Management
                             Part II: Financial Management
iv)Human Resource Management
v)Management Information Systems
vi)Quantitative and Research Methods
                                          Quantitative Methods
                               Part II: Research Methods
Term – II
i)Strategic Management
ii)Operations Management
iii)Electives to be chosen from 13 electives
 iv)   Project Work






(1 Year Programme)
Term I
Managerial Economics & Planning
P r i n c i p l e s o f M a n a g e m e n t a n d Organizational Behaviour
Accounting & Financial Management
Principles of Marketing Management
Term – II
Human Resources Management
Project Management
Project Finance
Project Work




Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Medical graduates with MBBS, registered with MCI/State Medical Council registration.
  2. Nurses with a minimum qualification of B.Sc. Nursing / PCBSC Nursing, registered with State Nursing Council.
  3. GNM Nurses with minimum experience of one year working in Critical/emergency care units
  4. Allied health professionals with health care and/or allied health care graduation, working and/or potential to work in critical care units, registered with respective councils and with minimum of six months’ experience.


20 credits, Three courses
(i)                  Introduction to critical care principles and procedures,
(ii)                Critical Care Competencies I
(iii)               Critical Care Competencies II
The course is online, live and clinical learning combining both theory and practice elements.







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